“We take a fresh look at accounting.” 514-500-2010
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View our various Sales systems to find the right one to suit your needs.


Shopping Cart

Want to start selling online but are daunted with the task of where to start?

B2B business owners are moving toward online shopping carts. Clients no longer want to wait for a salesman to get back to them with a quote. They want to click and purchase the product NOW.

Having your clients place orders digitally online frees up your inside sales resources for other tasks.

Whether your product is simple or complex, a reliable, fast and engaging shopping cart is essential in making your business a success online.


Order Pad

Your sales staff will no longer have to be slowed down by the many nuisances encountered with the traditional method of placing orders.


With our Cloud Based order pad, Inventory count can be displayed on the screen, allowing you to make decisions while with your client. Your client’s typical orders can be stored as a wish list, making reordering uncomplicated and quick.

Our system is also designed to encourage client participation. Your clients will become comfortable using the system and can eventually start to enter their own orders.


Quoting System

Are your sales hampered by your ability to provide quotes?


Produce quotes that look as elegant and engaging as the site itself. Do it as quickly as if you were a client shopping on the site.

Have the ability to add new items to the site the moment you realize a new item is required for your quote. Have the system automatically include kit components and never again forget to have those included in the quote.



Are clients still sending faxes and e-mails each time they need an order?


Have your salesman fill out the cart for the client and send the order to the client in order to adjust, approve and checkout. Automatically build template orders with that client’s frequently ordered products.

This process, in time, accustoms your clients to your e-commerce site, making the client comfortable using it. With the added benefit to the client of never again having to wait on you to respond to their order request. They will simply place that order on-line and send it to you.